Kremlin Calls Zelensky’s Readiness for Putin Talks ‘Empty Words’
The Kremlin on Wednesday dismissed President Volodymyr Zelensky saying he was ready for direct talks with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin as “empty words”.
Talk of a negotiated end to the nearly three-year conflict has risen with US President Donald Trump, who has pledged to end the fighting, back in the White House and Ukraine’s troops struggling on the battlefield in the east.
Asked how he would feel if he sat opposite Putin at a negotiating table, Zelensky told British journalist Piers Morgan in an interview published Tuesday: “If that is the only set-up in which we can bring peace to the citizens of Ukraine and not lose people, definitely we will go for this set-up.”
On Wednesday, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told journalists: “So far, this cannot be seen as anything but empty words.”
Putin last week said Moscow would hold talks with Ukraine but ruled out speaking directly with Zelensky.
A decree signed by Zelensky in 2022 rules out direct talks with Putin, something Peskov pointed to on Wednesday and that Moscow regularly highlights when asked if it is ready for talks with Kyiv.
The Kremlin spokesman also reiterated Russia’s frequent claim that Zelensky is not a legitimate president, as his five-year mandate in office expired last year.
Under martial law, Ukraine has a ban on holding elections.
“Zelensky has big problems de jure (legally) in Ukraine. But even despite that we remain ready for talks,” Peskov said, saying that the “reality on the ground” meant that Kyiv had to “be the first to demonstrate openness and interest in such talks.”
‘Clear ultimatum’
After the interview, Zelensky posted comments Wednesday on social media saying that talks with Putin in themselves would be a “compromise” for Ukraine and its allies.
“Putin is a murderer and a terrorist. This is a fact,” he said, in comments live-translated into English. “And if our allies believe that diplomacy is the way forward, let’s be honest: isn’t even a single conversation with Putin a compromise? Talking to a murderer is a compromise for Ukraine and the entire civilized world.”
Zelensky also said Putin “will only understand the need to end this war if he is given a clear ultimatum” by the United States, and that the “power to shape that peace depends on President Trump.”
Peskov on Wednesday said contact with the new US administration had “intensified” but gave no indication of when a possible meeting or call between Putin and Trump could take place.
Peskov also slammed Zelensky for suggesting that Ukraine should be allowed to have a nuclear deterrent if it is unable to join NATO.
Zelensky had said Ukraine would need an alternative “package” of protection, including nuclear weapons, if it cannot join NATO or the process drags on.
“Let’s put it this way: give us nuclear weapons back, give us strong missile systems, partners, help us fund a million-man army,” Zelensky said.
Peskov said that “such statements are bordering on madness”, citing international rules on the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons.
‘Very difficult’
Kyiv has struggled to hold back Russian forces and Zelensky has conceded that it is unlikely his army will be able to recapture territory seized by Russia.
Moscow on Wednesday said its troops took two more Ukrainian villages in the country’s east and northeast. But Zelensky called Ukraine’s hold of Russian territory in its western Kursk region “important” in terms of any future negotiations.
Speaking to journalists on Wednesday, he said Ukraine’s shock offensive into the region, launched last August, was a “very important operation”.
Putin said Wednesday that the situation in the Kursk region was “very difficult”, in a meeting with the local governor over support for locals displaced or who had suffered material losses in the Ukrainian attack.
Discontent has been building there, with a Russian woman whose elderly parents disappeared in the Ukrainian incursion telling AFP that the authorities needed to set-up a humanitarian “corridor” for Russians to return from Ukrainian-held territory.
Source: AFP
Lured by Higher Salaries, Migrants From Post-Soviet Asian Countries Work in Occupied Eastern Ukraine
From post-Soviet republics Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan, Russia is attracting workers to occupied territories in eastern and southern Ukraine. But contrary to what they’re led to believe, they’re not only sent to rebuild destroyed buildings, but also forced to serve on the front line of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Ukrainska Pravda reported.
Though Russia’s allocated $23 billion for reconstruction projects in occupied Ukrainian territories, it often has a deficit of workers, Ukrainska Pravda wrote.
“According to Central Asian media, remittances from labor migrants constitute a significant portion of GDP in Tajikistan – up to 40%; in Uzbekistan – over 20%; and in Kyrgyzstan – also over 20%. As such, these countries’ leaders support citizens who decide to work abroad,” the newspaper reported.
Recruitment agencies hired by occupation authorities target Central Asia where there are fewer economic opportunities, the article says.
Employees can earn more than they would otherwise be able to back at home in Russia, working in construction, hospitality and agriculture.
But when migrants make it to the occupied territories, they are often denied basic human rights and forced to sign military contracts that get them sent to the front lines of Russia’s war in Ukraine.
“To our great regret, we have evidence that labor migrants from Uzbekistan in Russia are being lured to the temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine, allegedly for construction and the restoration of destroyed houses, only to have their documents taken away and be sent to the front,” Ukraine’s ambassador in Uzbekistan Mykola Doroshenko told Ukrayinska Pravda. “I have passed this information to the Uzbek side and asked the country’s authorities to warn their citizens against such actions.”
In the event that they’re mobilized, these migrants may then also face jailtime in Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan, as the country’s legislation bans them from participating in foreign military conflicts.
Source: Kyiv Post
Trump Is Doing Exactly What He Promised
We should have learned from Trump 1.0 that Trump does everything, and more than he says. It is a question of “read my lips,” “watch my body language,” for the full sensory Trump experience.
So on trade and tariffs, reigning in DEI, China, migration, DOGE, Middle East policy, et al, his bite will absolutely be as bad as his bark, actually worse.
The one weird one here is China tariffs vs the rest of the world, where Trump has surprised/pulled punches with only a 10% tariff versus the 25% hits to Canada and Mexico.
How to read this one?
Is Trump soft on China?
Not if you look through his HR hires to key positions across the administration, whether that is Rubio, or Waltz, Navarro, et al.
Indeed, I think the bulk of the MAGA, and even old school GOP establishment, view China still as the existential threat to the US which has to be dealt with/taken out/down now to safeguard US global economic and military hegemony.
So this suggests China should expect much worse to come.
So why only 10% initial tariff push on China?
I think what we know about Trump is that he is a bully. He likes going after the weak, and what we have seen is I think Trump go after the weak/low hanging fruit. He thinks Canada, Mexico et al will easily fold – perhaps therein what he saw in his first term. I extend that also to his push to secure the Panama Canal, and push to get Denmark to rollover and give the US Greenland.
I think in Trump’s world he wants to send a message to China, “look if this is the way I treat allies, like Canada, and the EU, and even Mexico, imagine what I could ultimately do to you, so fold now, and cut us the best deal ever.”
The problem with all this is that it assumes that Canada, et al will fold. But Trump’s bullying of Canada (the threat of subsuming Canada as just another US state was the final straw for most Canadians) seems to have spurned a rallying around the flag in Canada, which has already announced it will apply tit for tat tariffs on the US. This likely will encourage Mexico and the European Union to respond in unity. Even the Brits might join the resistance – albeit they might be considering offering Trump a free pass to Buckingham Palace, and a lifetime 10 shot discount on his golf handicap to spare the UK the worst of his tariffs bluster.
Unity in defiance of Trump will be damaging for all in the short term – risking a global recession and global market risk off. But the likes of Canada, Mexico, the EU, et al might just conclude it’s a case of united we stand, divided we fall, and if we all have any chance of fending off against Trump’s bullying and ultimately incredibly destructive global agenda, it is now or never.
Trump’s tariff agenda will be hugely negative for the global, and even the US economy, meaning less global trade, less global growth, higher inflation, and lower global living standards. We will all be worse off.
That seems to be the consensus amongst most credible global economists – but the MAGA guys seem to think that is a price worth paying to retain US global hegemony, and beggar the rest. Let’s see if the resistance in Canada, et al, succeeds, and how China plays this – does Beijing just order in Canadian popcorn to watch the Western world tear itself apart, or does it ride to the defense of globalization by coming in behind Canada and Europe, against the US?
Reprinted from the author’s tashecon blog. See the original here.
The views expressed in this article are the author’s and not necessarily those of Kyiv Post.
Source: Timothy Ash
Украинский тренер: Мы прошли этот этап. Возможно, не было убийств»
Украинский тренер Юрий Беньо, который является ассистентом Игоря Йовичевича в болгарском «Лудогорце», рассказал о том, как согласился работать в этом чемпионате, а также поделился мнением об убийствах людей, связанных с футболом:
– Болгария считается довольно опасной страной для футбольных людей: за прошедшие 12 лет в Болгарии было убито 15 президентов футбольных клубов, а за последние 20 лет погибли около 200 человек, так или иначе связанных с футболом. Слышали ли вы что-нибудь об этом перед тем, как ехать туда? Испытывали ли опасения по этому поводу?
– Да, о таком слышали. В этой команде играл наш давний и хороший знакомый – Игорь Пластун, который провел здесь много лет. Поэтому мы с Игорем общались о клубе и стране в целом. Он говорил, что раньше такое действительно происходило, было много скандалов с букмекерскими конторами и договорными матчами. Но это не новая ситуация, Украина проходила такой этап, возможно, без убийств, но подобное тоже имело свое место в нашей истории, – рассказал Беньо.
Ранее сообщалось, что «Лудогорец» победил в финале Суперкубка Болгарии.
Source: Николай Титюк
Олігархи РФ Фрідман і Авен продали частки в Альфа-банку – FT
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Олігархи РФ Фрідман і Авен продали частки в Альфа-банку – FT
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Посилання скопійовано
Підсанкційні олігархи РФ Михайло Фрідман і Петро Авен продали свої частки в найбільшому приватному банку Росії та його страховій компанії, намагаючись скасувати санкції ЄС проти них.
Про це повідомляє газета Financial Times.
Згідно з документами, отриманими Financial Times, Фрідман і Авен ще минулого року передали Альфа-Банк і Альфа-Страхування своєму давньому партнеру Андрію Косогову.
Угодою, укладеною у 2023 році, було оцінено ці компанії приблизно у 240 млрд рублів ($2,5 млрд). Олігархи володіли 45% акцій банку та 42% страхової компанії.
Косогов, який не перебуває під санкціями, вийшов із тіні й став найбільшим акціонером Альфа-Банку та холдингу LetterOne, що базується в лондонському районі Мейфер, після того, як викупив частки своїх підсанкційних партнерів.
Олігархи сподіваються, що продаж банку та страхової компанії — угода, яку прискорило втручання російської влади у питання власності “економічно значущих” компаній — допоможе їм оскаржити санкції ЄС, запроваджені у відповідь на повномасштабне вторгнення Росії в Україну.
Минулого року Загальний суд ЄС частково скасував підстави для санкцій, визнавши, що Брюссель не надав достатньо доказів їхньої участі в діях, спрямованих на підрив України.
Ця перемога стала найбільшим ударом по санкційному режиму ЄС щодо Росії з моменту вторгнення.
Однак санкції залишаються чинними за іншим обґрунтуванням — ЄС вважає Фрідмана та Авена “провідними бізнесменами, залученими до економічного сектору, що є значним джерелом доходу для Кремля”.
Олігархи окремо оскаржують і цю підставу. Якщо їм вдасться виграти суд, країни ЄС можуть ухвалити рішення про скасування санкцій, оскаржити рішення суду або запровадити нові санкції на іншій основі. Латвія вже подала апеляцію на рішення на користь Фрідмана та Авена.
Читайте також: Суд ЄС став на бік Фрідмана й Авена, але вони ще під санкціями. Що відбувається і які є загрози для України?
У квітні 2024 року суд Євросоюзу задовольнив позов ексакціонерів “Альфа-Банку” Петра Авена і Михайла Фрідмана про скасування санкцій, запроваджених проти них Радою ЄС на період з лютого 2022 року по березень 2023 року.
Журналіст “Радіо Свобода” Рікард Йозвяк пояснив, що це рішення поширюється тільки на чорний список із лютого 2022 року до березня 2023 року.
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