Category: Social Issues

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“Voices of Change: Politics, Power, and Faith in Social Issues”

أوكسفام: الآن فقط نكتشف حجم الدمار في غزة قالت منظمة أوكسفام البريطانية إن إسرائيل دمرت أكثر من...

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“Sosyal Sorunlar Gündemi – Adalet, Haklar ve Toplumsal Dönüşüm”

Tasarrufu çiftçiden yoksuldan yaptılar 1 trilyon 56 milyar TL harcama yapılan ocak ayı bütçesinde tasarruf çiftçi, yoksul...

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“Voices of Change: Politics, Power, and Faith in Social Issues”

As Sudan’s army routs RSF from Khartoum, Sudanese reactions are mixed Many Sudanese civilians are welcoming the...

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“Voices of Change: Politics, Power, and Faith in Social Issues”

The Sachin Pilot interview: Politics, power, and faith Sachin Pilot, 47, is one of the few leaders...

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“Social Pulse: LGBTQ+ Voices in Sports & Europe’s Strategic Awakening”

Петр ИВАНОВ: «Думаю, существуют ЛГБТ-боксеры. Я ничего против не имею» Украинский боксер Петр Иванов рассказал о ЛГБТ...

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“Social Spotlight: Misunderstandings and Violence in Miami Beach”

تعليق المساعدات الأميركية يشل مشاريع حيوية بالسنغال قال رئيس الوزراء السنغالي عثمان سونكو إن بعض المشاريع التنموية...

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**Sosyal Sorunlar Gündemi – Toplumun Nabzı**

İslâm’ı en iyi yaşayan ülkeler arasında hiçbir Müslüman ülke yok! Dünyada İslâm’ı en iyi yaşayan ülke Danimarka...

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“Social Spotlight: Misunderstandings and Violence in Miami Beach”

US man who shot Israeli visitors thought they were Palestinians, police say A man charged with attempted...

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“Social Issues Spotlight – Debating Washington’s Legacy on the State Flag”

Democrats seek to remove George Washington from state flag Progressive Washington state lawmakers have introduced a bill...

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“Social Issues Spotlight – US-Taiwan Relations & Diplomatic Updates”

أهالي غزة ينتظرون دخول معدات ثقيلة لإزالة الركام وانتشال جثث ذويهم لا تزال العائلات الفلسطينية شمال غزة...

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