“Global Insights – Ukraine’s NATO Dilemma & Strategic Decisions”

Zelensky reveals plan if Ukraine not admitted to NATO

“If we are not in NATO, or not yet in NATO, […] we must have an army that is capable of protection, and a matching number of Ukrainian soldiers. I’m just telling you the numbers. This will be an army of 1.5 million people,” he said.

According to Zelensky, today’s Ukrainian army is about half this size. This bigger army will cost more money to maintain – $60 bln – Zelensky added.

Earlier, US Secretary of Defense Pete Hegseth told Breitbart News that Ukraine is unlikely to be made a part of NATO today, saying instead that it could take 25 years for this to happen. On February 12, he argued at a regular meeting of the Western contact group in Brussels that a return to Ukraine’s 2014 borders was unrealistic. He also effectively ruled out the possibility of Ukraine joining NATO. Later, US President Donald Trump said that Hegseth’s statements accurately reflected Washington’s position. He also pointed out that the West”s efforts to pull Kiev into NATO, particularly the repeated statements by former US President Joe Biden, were among the reasons why Russia had launched the special military operation in Ukraine.


خانواده‌ها فرزندان خود را مهدوی تربیت کنند

به گزارش خبرنگار مهر، حجت الاسلام سیدعلی حسینی امام جمعه دیر صبح شنبه در مهمانی بزرگ نیمه شعبان در خیابان ساحلی دیر با تبریک میلاد حضرت مهدی (عج) اظهار داشت: امام زمان (عج) در بین ما و ناظر بر اعمال ماست.

وی افزود اگر اعتقاد پیدا کنیم و باورمان بیاید که امام زمان (ع) میان ماست، خیلی از کارهای خلاف را انجام نمی‌دادیم.

حسینی با بیان اینکه اگر کسی به امام زمان (عج) اعتقاد داشته باشد، تسلیم دشمن نمی‌شود، گفت: همان طور که شهید سلیمانی گفت ما ملت امام حسین (ع) هستیم و شعارمان در برابر دشمن هیهات من الذله است.

وی با تاکید بر اینکه ما از آمریکا نمی‌ترسیم، ادامه داد: همان طور که رهبرمان فرمود اگر دشمن ما را تهدید کند، تهدیدش می‌کنیم. اگر علیه ما اقدامی کنید ما هم اقدام متقابل انجام می‌دهیم.

امام جمعه دیر تاکید کرد: خانواده‌ها فرزندان خود را با ائمه بیشتر آشنا کرده و آنها را برای سربازی امام زمان (عج) آماده کنند.


Zelensky refused to sign rare earths deal with US

Earlier this month, US President Donald Trump made it clear that he wanted Kiev to pay for the assistance it has received from Washington with its natural resources.

According to the 2024 World Economic Forum report, Ukraine “holds immense potential as a major global supplier of critical raw materials” that could be “essential” for defense, the technology sector, and green energy. The nation boasts Europe’s largest titanium and lithium reserves, which are not classified as rare-earth elements.

Kiev also has considerable beryllium, manganese, gallium, uranium, zirconium, graphite, apatite, fluorite, and nickel deposits, according to RT.

In a post on X on Friday, the Washington Post’s Rogin claimed that “multiple lawmakers here in Munich told me the US Congressional delegation presented Zelensky with a piece of paper they wanted him to sign which would grant the US rights to 50% of Ukraine’s future mineral reserves. Zelensky politely declined to sign it.”

Reuters also cited anonymous members of the Ukrainian delegation at the Munich Security Conference as saying essentially the same thing. The supposed meeting between the Ukrainian leader and a bipartisan group of US lawmakers reportedly lasted 90 minutes.

According to the agency, Zelensky “felt he was being asked unreasonably to sign something he hadn’t had a chance to read,” with two of the sources describing the proposal as “one-sided.” Kiev still needs to work out “some details,” according to the report.
